In a freewheeling chat, Raksha Bharadia, co-author of 12 titles of the Indian Chicken Soup for the Soul series, talks about the experience of putting together the various titles, the stories that moved her, and how this opportunity changed her as a person. The stories in the series are meant to ‘open the heart and rekindle the spirit’. Find out what the person behind many titles in the series in India has to say on inspiration and human life.
Read moreThe Wonder in Your Eyes
India Through a Moppet’s Eyes
For many years, Amul ads and the Amul girl have been loved by Indians – both young and old. For me, the ads are brilliant examples of word play and versatility. Interestingly, the Amul ads have, over the years, also traced the journey of India in many spheres. In this essay, I discuss why I love these ads and point out how they have represented the story of India in interesting ways.
Read moreThe Indian Publishing Industry: Matured, but Still a Long Way to Go
Jaya Bhattacharji Rose, publishing consultant and columnist talks to me about interesting trends in the Indian publishing industry including the popularity that commercial fiction is enjoying in India these days, the growing trend of buying books online and the advent of e-books in the Indian market.
Read moreMusical Notes – What Music Means to Us!
Six people talk about what music means to them and provide a glimpse of how this beautiful art form has become a part of their lives. Diverse that their fields are, it is interesting to note how music can be learnt, savoured and shared in such different ways. Here’s a special feature I compiled after my conversations with Harish Sivaramakrishnan, Lead vocalist at Agam, a Bangalore-based music band that has been around since 2003, Namita Devidayal, Journalist and Author of the acclaimed books ‘The Music Room’ and ‘Aftertaste’, Krish Ashok, popular blogger known for the humour that permeates his writing, RJ Prithvi, the highly popular Radio Jockey at Radio One 94.3 FM Bangalore and Vidya & Vandana Iyer, the music sisters whose rendition of ‘Munbe Vaa’, ‘Aasai Mugam’ and ‘Nee Nenaindal’ with clarinetist and composer, Shankar Tucker went viral on YouTube.
Read moreMy World of Music
Strumming Away to Glory
Internationally-renowned guitarist and music composer, Prasanna, talks about his fascinating musical journey of being a guitarist, composer and the President of Swarnabhoomi Academy of Music.
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