‘Love over Coffee’ by Amrit N.Shetty is your typical combo of love, work and friendship with a dream thread running through out. It’s the story of Anup, his love interest, Rajni, and his friends, all of them working in an IT company. Anup, who often finds himself out-of-place in the IT industry, dreams of marrying Rajni and aspires to become a writer. However, the plot and the characters of this novel, which at many times reads like a movie script, leave much to be desired. At the end of the book, you are left with a vague feeling that there is something missing. It is perhaps the plot that at many points seems to lack a grip, giving a feeling that there is something wanting. Much has been crammed into the last few pages of the book, while a sizeable portion of the novel moves rather slowly.
The book is OK to the extent that it gives you a peek into the workings of the often rosy-outside-thorny-inside IT industry. But, it could have helped if the language and construction of the novel were not so much in the style that rules the burgeoning blogosphere. ‘Love over Coffee’ is definitely not for serious literature lovers. Pick it up only if you want something that demands less of your attention and at the same time, is ‘time pass’ stuff.