There she appeared,
the lady in red, flickering,
like a wild candle flame,
dazzling and impatient…
Swirling, filling the air,
with an intoxicating scent…
Fascinated, passion bellowing,
I approached her; mesmerized,
giddy with excitement,
I ran, hands outstretched…
She laughed, and her eyes mocked,
from behind the golden strands…
She ran, I followed her,
mad with love; my every cell,
bursting with desire…
I defined her,
as the pursuit of my life –
only she, nothing else…
I seized her, but she burst,
like a flimsy bubble,
into a million droplets…
Shattered and shocked,
I stared, and for an instant,
mulled over impermanence…
And that very moment,
the skies split open,
Spitting a glorious ray of light…
Stunned, I gasped and caught,
a glimpse of her –
the pristine white beauty…
Her jet black hair
cascading like a waterfall,
Her face utterly serene…
It was a magical moment,
that stirred my being, causing,
a ripple of realisation…
Lo, she rose again,
the lady in red, dazzling,
flickering and swirling,
seductive as ever,
clouding my vision,
distracting this erring human…
Alas, the white beauty
became a blur, and vanished…
Confused, I woke up,
only to ponder over,
the distant memory
of a recurring dream…
Picture by Phoebe under CC license